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Monday, July 19, 2010

Washington Then and Now...

2 interesting things that happened while in Washington...
--Someone actually walked up to me and asked if I was Native American!
--It did not rain the entire time I was there!
Last Year in April. I took a trip with my mom to Washington, to do a girls trip with her and her sisters. We were going to do the Twilight trip, and I was stoked about it! Plus I'd never been to Washington so I was already prepping myself for the fact that it always rains there! haha. Once we got there, it was indeed a new place! I had never seen so much greenery before! My Aunt's house was tucked into this culda sac on this hill. It was a cute house.

Basically, on this trip I had the best time of my life, met interesting people and walked through a rain forest! haha. The Twilight excursion, we did it all, going through Port Angeles, seeing the Canadian Border, La Push, and finally arriving in Forks. I'm a Team Jacob girl, not because he's native. I think I could like him more only because I think that's what guys in the real world are like, and should be. Not this immortal shiny being, but someone who will love you, but also be honest with you and won't sugar coat things. The normal guy that will make sure you know he likes you, that will fight for your attention.

La Push
was my favorite out of the destinations. It did look like the typical reservation, but I fell in love with the Beach. Right there I was ready to move to Washington for these beaches. It was everything I imagined from the book. I knew the movie wasn't filmed there, but I felt more unique to the fact that it was the real La Push.

The town really got into it, and it wasn't just the businesses, but the people too! Each having the same story that the Cullens were out of town and what not! so crazy! The coolest part I thought was the High school sign because indeed it was the sign from the movie. Out of everything I got from Forks it was the high school sign. To those who wish to visit forks, don't buy ANY merchandise there. They make all their stuff at the high school. I bought a t-shirt there and I wore it once and the words faded off of it! haha. But I will hand it to the people of forks they for sure have done a good job accommodating Twilight fans. 
The Hoh Rain Forest
The Hoh rain forest is indeed a rain forest! There was so much moss all over the place it reminded me of a Dr. Suess book. Maybe that's where he got his inspiration for his trees and what not. It really did have that creepy feeling. In the picture where i'm with my cousin (Boo) I was so freaked out to kneel infront of this tree, because its roots were raised, so you could walk under it or somthing could have shelter under it. I was scared that the "THING" was going to jump out and grab me. She wasn't too happy about being there. We had a good time being there.


Finally Seattle came, I thought it was cool we had to take a ferry from Bremerton to get there. I saw a lot of seals and plus cool houses built into the sides of the hills. I kept telling my mom "I want to live here!" I had be rain deprived since I lived in Arizona, so I thought it was time to have some rain come my way.  My Mom and I ventured into seattle one of the days alone, and had a blast. I was really into photography that trip so I took alot of artistic pictures. I ate at this great restaurant by the bay Ivars, best clam chowder EVER! I can't wait to introduce my dad to it! We also went to the famous Pike's Place. Its and indoor swap meet basically. It was so interesting to me because whatever you needed, anything, you were sure to find a vendor that had it. We even watched the fish throwing, bought my dad a giant lobster tail, he was very pleased! it was a great time.

July 2010 
I am excited to see what this weeks trip will be like, this time my entire family will be there. We're camping on the beach, doin the Twilight thing (for the sake of my sister and cousins) back to the Hoh Rain Forest, and back to my favorite city...Seattle!


  1. So fun! Have a great trip back to Washington! We went to Pikes last year, and there was a creepy fish that the guy behind the counter hid and pulled the tail on. It moved and my mom screamed and jumped a mile! It was hilarious!

    I sure miss you!!! Hopefully I will get to see you in October!

  2. Look at me and all my prego chubby-ness. Wonderful. At least I wasn't big bertha on this last trip! (I just had to carry the end product of "big bertha" around non-stop, EJ the little punk.) Fun times, it was a great trip! And stop denying that you love Twilight, you know you do! :)
