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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Skittles are GRRREAT!

So I'm just going to say this fast!
I've really been thinking a lot about my old job. I miss it alot:
(The BBQ's, Announcements, ASU Pow wow, Kareoke teen girls night, Torch Club Conference,  Halloween)

I miss walking in through the doors and having kids say my name, run up give me a hug, and ask how my day was. I miss my co workers and all the fun we had, all the inside jokes, and movie nights. (plus my blonde moments with them. haha)I miss sitting down one on one with a teen and discussing with them whats going on in their life, and them asking me for advice. I miss the feeling I would have everynight coming home that I did something important and made an impact. Now there were nights where I had something troubling happen, and I miss being able to sit down with my dad and talk about it, seek his advice and guidance.
The Boys & Girls Club was and is my life. I'm trying to get a job at the club here, because I'm not liking my situation at JCPenney. I think my biggest turn off was the attitudes from my manager and my co workers. Its a tedious task at what I do, but I don't know its just rough, nothing to special for me.
Skittles are GRRREAT!
So back to the now. Last night was great! haha. I threw a Suprise party for my roommate Jenna; with the help of my firends Alex and Addi we made it possible.
Jenna's birthday is on saturday, and I thought it would be a fun idea to throw a party for her. Now I knew right away if I would of gone about it with her knowing it was for her, she most likely would have been against it. haha. So I knew it had to be a suprise. I text my trust friend Alex to come up with a plan. We had thrown around holding it for her on her acutal birthday, but things just weren't going to happen. Plus I wanted to do it before I left for Washington. Anyways, yesterday morning I got the bright idea to have a "game night". I told Alex about it, and it was set! Jenna was cool with the game night, and so the planning began. I sent the text out we were good to go! All I needed to do was get the cake and snacks.

I went to the store that evening, Jenna still oblivious, and got the cake. I was going to store it at our friend Matt's house until that night. Things were still going according to plan. I was a bit shocked at how easy this was. "Keep things simple" I told myself. I have a habit of letting my creativity get the best of me, and go over the top. haha. In some cases its helped me out, but in others, well you get the idea. haha.

Jenna and I went to a concert on campus. It was pretty cool, students who wrote their own music performed I believe it was called Acoustic Explosion. When we got home, we had about an hour till people started showing up. Jenna decided to go for a run, once she left I started to set things up. Busted out the skittles, I got two flavors: 
Original and Crazy Core (suggestion by Tyler)
I was curious to see what these Crazy Cores would be like, and they are Crazy good! haha. Two flavors in One Skittle! haha.
Everything was set up and ready to go.

Once everyone started showing up, I knew it was going to be a fun night!
The first game we played was Telephone Charades, if you're wondering what it is, the name is what it is. You have 4 people who step outside, and the rest of the group inside comes up with 3 things: a person, an object, and an action.
Here's an example of one we've done before. Person: Willy Wonka, Action: Quidditch,  Thing: Corndog.
Person 1 comes in and the group tells them the phrase.
Person 1 acts it out to person 2
Person 2 acts it out to person 3 (each doing their own interpretation of what they think it is.)
Person 3 acts it out to person 4 while person 4 says out loud what the action, person, and thing is.

We played 3 rounds of this. It was hilarious. I don't think I did a very good job at it. haha. But that's just me.

The other game we played involved a dictionary (I forgot the name of it) but the object was to pick a random word out and each team had to come up with a song that had that word in it. You'd go back and forth until a team couldn't think of one. The word that was a huge hit was "Rock" so here's an example of a song "I fell in love with a girl at the Rock Show..." You're supposed to sing 8 words from the song in order for it to count. It was crazy how many songs we all came up with. Granted some were just the chorus repeated over and over again. "Lean with it, rock with it" haha. It was fun!

While we played I gave Matt the cue and he went to go get the cake. I met him outside, and we both walked in and started singing, it was cool that everyone knew what to do, and well it was just perfect. Jenna's face was priceless. She had no idea!

The rest of the night was history; continued playing the dictionary game, and people started rolling out about midnight. A good two hours of fun! haha. I had a blast, and I hope everyone else did too.

Hopefully we can do more things like that, its always nice to meet new people. The skittles were a HIT, glad I bought them! haha.

1 comment:

  1. You're a good friend Nichelle, it was all you yo. And thanks for the shout out.. Much appreciated. ¡CHYEA!
