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Monday, August 9, 2010

"We can be your Hero baby!"

Today I donated Blood for the First time!

Jenna was right by my side!
I was a bit nervous only because the last time I had blood taken was when I was younger and even then I had some pretty crazy situations. haha

I know what Vein to use when giving blood, I have DEEP veins so its always hard to get it right the first time. I show the nurse where the vein is EVERYTIME but they are convinced they are experts and can find a bigger one. WELL I was right as always, she "Thought" she felt the vein and after getting a second opinion and DIGGING around in my skin they found it. When if they would of just listened they would of gotten it the first time. haha. I laugh because when I was younger I had more the 4 nurses come in and try to get a vein, sticking both of my arms to a total of 10 times! insane right...SO I think i'm pretty much an expert at where to draw blood from. haha.

I sat there watching a pint of blood being taken from me. Excited that I finally did it. Of course you always get the goof balls that tease the first timers. My friend matt text me saying "Just thought you might want to know that giving blood increases your chance of one day contracting yellow fever by and astounding 34 percent" goofy matt! haha. Then another guy from my ward tried telling me that it was a painful experience, comparing it to getting a tattoo, because he has so much experience in it. I laughed.

Overall, a thumbs up in experience. I was comfortable, and it went well. Next step to give plasma!

1 comment:

  1. Ewww... I almost couldn't finish reading this! My arm was aching just looking at your pictures! Your so brave!
