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Thursday, December 16, 2010


I went to my first Pow wow. (ASU)
I turned 20
I got my braces off
I got to speak of one of my teens baptism
I said goodbye to a place I've grown up in, and also to amazingly fun co-workers
I moved to Utah
I tried new things, adventures I never would of even dreamed of having or even
I met cool new roommates, that brought out the funny.
I drew a cool dinosaur
I took a spontaneous trip back to AZ with a cool new friend I had only known for 2 wks at  that time. haha. Also on that trip I actually saw lightning strike 100 yards away from the car.
I rode a 4 person bike from provo Canyon to Utah lake. I will never forget that trip. lots of bumps and cuts, but Utah truly is a beautiful place.
I met a girl that would forever make and impact on my life. She truly is incredible, and I am so grateful that we were roomies.
I went to A LOT of bonfires this summer, kind of a turn around from AZ because mostly we'd be doing water activities and not bonfires. haha
I got to go to Washington with my family! I love this state! Its beautiful, I enjoyed staying at the little house on the beach.
I donated blood for the first time
I had to say goodbye to my Utah adventure...
I will never forget the goofy times I shared with the new friends I gained in the beehive state, like the fun theme nights, game nights, and movie nights we had.
On my final days in UT I floated the FREEZING Provo river.
 Once back in AZ I enrolled for a couple last semesters at CGCC, but ended up dropping classes 3 wks into it...LONG STORY.
Met up with old friend, just in time to celebrate birthdays.
Got to enjoy the last of the monsoon weather, also getting my old job back with a great promotion behind it! 
Got to see my the original Utah friends and doing what they do best! Chicken wings at buffalo wild wings.
Had a fun weekend during Halloween
Cheered on my BYU cougars, but secretly wished I was in Provo actually attending the games.
I decorated the outside of the house all by myself.
Another fun wing night with 2 very special people. :)
My mom's YazBagz line kicked off officially this year, and I enjoyed being home to model all her headbands and flower clips.YazBagz website

Yup 2010 was a fun year. 2011 is now full of surprises. I turn 21, so i guess we'll see what happens then... People are coming home...hopefully vacations will be responsibilities await me as well as I'm sure more fun memories.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"Are you DTS??"

 This is Eli and Lata...
We're the 3 best friends that anybody could ever have...

--Feelin kind of blue today??? Don't worry, we'll be there to make it bright! haha.
--Haven't used your funny bone in awhile??? No need to worry! We'll fix that!
--Think your life is full of embarrassing moments??? I bet we can top that! (Well Lata might...) hahaha.

These girls! Keep me alive and going! NEVER a dull moment with them:
Do I care if people stare in disgust because we laugh too loud in a restaurant??
NOPE never with these two!
Do I care if people look weird at us while we sing at the top of our lungs in the middle of a mall???
NOPE never with these two! haha.

Many memories, laughs, jokes with these two. Eli and Lata my hero's in disguise! :]

(Keep tabs on my FB status to find out if your DTS...)

Monday, November 29, 2010

That Crimson and Gold Callin My Name

I am now an
I'm finally back in school. Classes start January 18th. I won't be on campus though, I am going the online route. Its easier for my work schedule, plus have you seen the crazy amount of traffic on the main campus? haha. I am excited to finally be going to a university, I've taken a crazy yet fun ride to get here, so let's get started on the rest of my future! Wish me Luck!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"This should be a sport"

 For the past couple days my brother has been sick with a sore throat. 
Its been sad to see him so sick, but in the end I get a good laugh out of it!
He's taken Nyquil the past two nights and tonight FINALLY the effects show! haha.
I wish I would of been able to tape the entire conversation, but I just caught the end of it. He came into my room to watch Ghost Adventures and said that he wanted to see how long he could stay up and fight the affects of Nyquil. Slowly he started to say that he felt loopy, and that his body felt like mush.
Then the fun began...
Randomly he says
-"They should make this a sport; who can stay up the longest after taking Nyquil."
I laughed at him. Then he goes on this big thing of
-"I wonder if someone hit me right now if I would feel it."
My ears perk up and I say
-"haha, where do you want me to hit you!"
Zack says
-"I didn't mean right now, I just heard that when people are drunk they can't feel anything."
as I'm chuckling, he says
I stop and say
-"what happened, a ghost get ya?"
He says
-"No, I just pinched myself to see if it was true" 
Oh my brother...

Friday, October 29, 2010

"The Shake Weight"

BWW Picture. Right to Left:
Todd, Justin, Me, Tanay, Pat, Tiff
Nothin beats great friends, chicken wings, and the headlining topic of...The Shake Weight!
What a great mini reunion of the 2009 crew

Last night at dinner I was talking to Pat and we broke down the dynamics of the group, how we all formed this crazy group and it was pretty interesting.

  • Tiff, Pat & I were in the same Singles Ward, I didn't really know Pat, and I had been hanging out with Tiff for awhile.
  • Pat also lived down the street from Todd and Justin (Utah Boys)
  • Todd & Justin had known each other since they were kids.
  • Tanay is Tiffanie's sister, and she also became my roommate
  • I met the Utah boys in singles ward, and also through Tiff & Tanay.
  • Todd & Tanay got married this past January
  • Of course I can't forget Travis & Cozette, they recently were married this past wednesday, sadly I don't have any pictures of them.
and the rest is history...

2009, was a great/fun year. as you can see from the black and white pictures.
This group of people have definately taught me a lot and I consider them to be my best friends. I honestly wish I could sit here and type all the funny things said and done the past year and even the last two days. Wings last night was fun, it brought back great memories! I couldn't believe how much things have changed and that it all started last summer!
We've had some great times, and its lookin like a bright future is in store for all of us!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Some benefits from scars...

So...I must have some bad karma with the right side of my body, because I've had surgery on my knee, broken my wirst, and NOW almost sliced my finger off!!! Holy Cow! I was cleaning my car out and My friend and I had drank these self heating hot Chocolates (Very good by the way!) and there is a lid on the bottom of it that is the type of lid on a can of Spam, was on my floor and I was in a hurry to get to school and BAM! Blood gushing everywhere! My mom had already left for work so I took it to my dad, I washed it off and the blood just kept coming! My dad just said (exact words) "Just put a band aid on it you'll be fine" So I took his advice and did so. That same day I was going on a fieldtrip to glendale, and I was kind of worried about my finger, by the time I got to school my bandaid was drenched in blood, (some bandaid!) haha. Well, I called my mom, and luckily since she works in scottsdale she was able to meet me. She took me to urgent care and it was there that I recieved 4 stitches.
My wound would be describe liked this; If you've seen jaws, then you'll be able to picture it. If you lifted up the chunk of skin on my finger it Would look like a mini jaws took a bite of my finger the Flesh was MEATY looking, *my stomach is turning just thinkin about it* I took a good chunk. I mean the stiches obviously held it together but its still gross!!! I almost became a 9 1/2 fingered woman!
Lesson Learned...Never LEAVE garbage in your car! *or let your friends leave their garbage!*
Who knew that because of this injury I don't have any feeling in the tip of my middle finger! haha. I learned that today as I straightened my hair. The straightener slipped out of my hand and swiped my middle finger as it dropped. I instantly saw it turn red and waited for the pain! but to my knowledge I felt NONE! haha. I guess my nerves are completly gone in that area. On the scar specifically I couldn't feel it but below it and even to the right of it I could. It was indeed a weird feeling. To this day you can feel the scar on my finger I wonder if its altered my finger print?? haha.

Along with this scar I have gained a new one to add to it. Exactly ONE year ago on this day I got a new scar; on my RIGHT hand! haha. doing the EXACT same out my car. That dang Chevy Malibu wanted to leave its mark before I traded it in for my Hyundai! haha. I was throwing something into my trunk while talking to my cousin and as I took my hands out of the trunk I knicked the roof of it and a sharp piece of metal sliced it open my skin. i could see my bone! I quickly grabbed a pair of old jeans as the blood came, laughed and went to the ER. "HERE WE GO AGAIN!!" hahaha.
I don't know what my deal is...I swear I don't go looking for things to cut myself with! Its all accident.
 On the bright side...all my scars are great conversation starters! Especially the one on my thumb! haha.

Its Hip to be a Square!

"Someone should take me on a date or kidnap me from work on Friday so i don't have to go to the SCREAM PARK with the teens! :( "-FB status

Its that time of the year, when scary movies are the only thing on TV, carving pumpkins is an art, playing dressing up is admired, and RIDICULOUS Haunted Houses are considered the cool thing to do! Ugh...Halloween. I admit it is a fun Holiday, but not when you have to go to Haunted Houses!! As many of you know, I am not one to be first in line for the next scary/slasher movie coming out and certainly won't be first to enter a haunted house! NO WAY! I prefer to not have nightmares!
Every year my work gets passes to the AZ Scream Park. I've gone the past 2 years. The first year I took my 11-13 yr old, they are all ten times braver than me! I had never been to a Haunted House before and I couldn't believe I actually agreed to going! Since one of the owners knew me he said he put in a good word with all the staff to make sure I had a "fun" time! I wasn't sure what he meant but haha I will never forget that year! As soon as I came into the park all the cast members would call me by name!!! In the picture above with Alice, he was the first to greet us. But to make it worse in the I went into 2 houses I went in the characters would call out my name as they popped out to us!! Horrible! haha. Luckily the next year I didn't have that happen, but I was dragged into a house where I was chased out by a guy with a chainsaw. In that year I remember hiding my face in the back of my co-worker and clinging onto them for dear life. I am such a scardy cat! I will admit it.

So tonight at work the announcement was made...this Friday, October 29th-AZ Scream Park. All eyes on me, I could feel the sickness coming! haha. I pleaded and begged, but no everyone wants to see me suffer. I don't mind so much being there, but I refuse to go into houses. No thanks! I think I deserve a excused absence for this fieldtrip. I guess we'll have to wait and see! haha.

Since Halloween is on Sunday, there won't be any trick or treating for the Yazzie family. Instead its Trunk or Treat Saturday for our Ward. I think its a fun time. I'm not sure what my sisters are doing this year to dress up, but my brother's idea is pretty crafty! I would like to post a picture of him but I guess I'll just wait till after Halloween to get one up. As for me, yet again I think I lack in Creativity for Halloween Costumes, or maybe I'm just obsessed with this Era. in 2008 I decided to go as a 80's chick. in 2009 I took that 80's chick and turned her into a "cute" Zombie, and this year I'm going Valley girl style. jean jacket and skirt the whole deal. The pictures below illustrate these words. haha. so Maybe next year I'll change era's or even do something completely different. I admit I could put a bit more effort into it but most of the time I just leave it last minute. haha. Anyways I guess I'll have more to say after this weekend!
OH! and today...I burnt my oatmeal! WHO DOES THAT!! haha. I stuck it in the microwave and BAM...burnt apple and Cinnamon Oatmeal...just another day in the life of Nichelle Yazzie, what can I say??

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"Mayhem just Struck"

Its raining cats and dogs!
Or just pigeon crap from the roof of my work! haha.

What a day! I thought I missed the rain since I was in Utah for Monsoon Season, BUT Arizona still has suprises for me! Today yes it rained. I love waking up and seeing clouds roll in! for one the weather is way nice, I guess there is an upside for HOT heat! It usually is followed by rain! Well today we had an event at work. We had some important visitors coming to check out the club and see the kids. All of us staff were kind of nervous of how it would turn out because there were 25 people coming, when we already have 30 kids that come a day plus the 6 staff that work too can anyone do the math??
61 people!

A view inside work...

I am pretty sure you'd be nervous too, if you worked in a building that had limited space...ONE room, and we'd go on a rainy day schedule. The day before we kind of had to deal with keeping the kids inside and it went smoothly but today the rain was ten times worse; flooding ALL over the subdivision. The park where the kids play became its own LAKE. It was crazy! I don't know how many more times I could say that but its true. Anyways when our guests arrived luckily the storm gave us a break for a good hour. We were able to get a lot of things accomplished. Our guests played basketball, pool with the teens, and even jumped on our Dance Dance Revolution machine. As soon as we all saw the BLACK clouds roll in we knew we only had a couple minutes to get inside. Once safe inside the rain HITS HARD! Lights flickering, trees blowing like crazy outside it was a sight.

There goes trying to keep my hair straight...
I think the best sight those was watching all the business professionals jump on the DDR, and play against our kids! haha. All the cell phones captured the moment. During that time we had a van load of kids coming back from our other Club site and another rotation to get into the vans. I took the liberty to get the kids to and from the van without getting too wet...Well they succeeded, I FAILED. Taking FOREVER to get on the dang van I stood there getting blasted by the water! After that van left and I headed back inside freezing! The group was getting ready to leave, and the rain still continued. So I had the bright Idea to have their bus come into our fenced area and head out the other side of the gates so our guests wouldn't have to run across the parking lot. I dart back out into the rain to open those gates, NO the dang lock was jammed, with nothing to protect me no chance I was walking back into that club dry. Luckily my co worker ran out after me a minute later carrying my sweater shielding us both, while still getting the lock open. We soon discovered that the people were running to the bus anyways...great...I then laughed and sprinted to the doors. Yes I did have laughs come my way from my teens and co workers, but hey can you blame me for trying to put the extra effort into the event? haha. it was fun, I don't think I've actually gotten that soaked in a long time, I'm not one to run out and jump into puddles. Ear aches and getting colds give me that fear! haha.

When I got home that night, I enjoyed an episode of GLEE and playing with my sisters. As soon as Zack got home the storm starts again. I posted on my Facebook video of me daring Zack to run out into it. The video below is of Zack showing me new music he had. 2 songs. The first song is called (I like that-Static Revenger & Richard Vission ft Luciana) We heard it on CHUCK. The second song is from Mortal Combat. The significance of it is; if high school wrestling did introduction songs for each wrestler he'd pick that one. He said it pumps him up, he'd even do back flips coming onto the mat. i asked him if he really could to back flips he paused, sighed and said "No..." haha. it was a Zack moment...

Friday, October 1, 2010

"Facebook Me"

Tonight I saw "The Social Network".
I honestly don't know where to start. First I guess I should say that I really did enjoy this movie. Am I going to run out at midnight when it comes to DVD...probably not, but it did make me think.
The common question that rises from every generation is
"How did I survive...?"
Generation Y.
"I honestly don't remember what my life was like before Facebook."
How many times a day are you checking your facebook? whether its updating your status, uploading pictures, or seeing who's online. Facebook is who we are as a generation, its how we all communicate. I will confess that I am completely guilty of this. I love my facebook, and yes I probably am on it too much, but I enjoy being able to talk to old friends, laugh at random status', or simply looking at photos.
After seeing this movie it was really crazy to see how much effort really does go into making a site like this. A network that really does know how to connect people with just the simple information you put in. It finds people that have the same interests as you, most of the time its people you know or knew in the past.

Most of us did the Myspace thing, but I can honestly say that Facebook has to be way more exciting than Myspace, and who knows maybe this is just a fad and will go out soon. The movie said it itself  "Its like Fashion...always changing."

I enjoyed this movie because it made me think of how true it is that people want to know what their friends are doing, who's dating who, or simply venting their problems. No matter how hard you want to deny that you aren't a "facebook stalker", you are! There have been plenty of times I have sat in the library at school or even in class and seen people stare at the screen for hours clicking through pictures or commenting on status'.

Back to the movie, I would recommend it, but know that this isn't the common Hollywood plot line, its a true story. You have to walk into that theater realizing that your basically going to watch a documentary. It will provoke ideas and thoughts about how you see the facebook world, and perhaps make you wonder what you would do if you were put into Mark Zuckerberg's shoes or any of the other characters' shoes.

Tell me if I'm wrong or missing anything of what our generation is or has become, I love discussing things like this especially when it comes to the point of how you would define what a "Social life is?" Is it how many friends you have on Facebook, or is it the people you actually speak to face to face daily. Is a social life simply sending a text to someone or is it actually calling them having a conversation for more than 2 minutes.

So you tell me. What is a social life? Is our generation losing, missing out on anything, because we depend so much on technologies? Will the future be in jeopardy because of how Generation Y communicates and learns. Will the simple things of  life slowly fade away and become just another blip in history because technology will provide a way to make it fast and easy.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Old Man!

"You shouldn't be ashamed of your age! I have everything I always wanted, a beautiful wife, a family, a booming career, I own a home, I've accomplished alot! Why would I want to make myself younger when I already have everything? I now get to look foreward to growing old with my wife and seeing you kids grow up, get married and have your own adventures." -Dad, last night at dinner.
Today my dad is 44! Compaired to most of my friends' parents both my mom and dad are very young, especially to have a 20 yr old! haha. I am truly grateful for my dad and everything he does for me! He is an incredible person, who has always been there if I needed advice. He is a great example to me. I am grateful for the fact that he is and always has been a worthy priesthood holder, that has been something that has blessed my life greatly! Whenever we were sick, nervous, or needed extra help my dad has ALWAYS been there. I am grateful for my dad's humor and sarcasm, whenever we're around the dinner table I know for sure we will all always leave with a laugh! He is my best friend, and even though I am growing up and have a mind of my own and I'm happy to know that whatever I do, whoever I meet my parents will always be there right behind me supporting me!
Its going to be a busymonth at work. My favorite program for my teens start this month, a program that helped me find my talent-Public speaking! That's right, Youth of the Year is starting this month! I have 4 teens set and ready to go! I did it all 4 year of high school and this has to be my favorite part of the club. Its been a chore to get my teen interested in it. 9 essays- 1 being your speech. The essays are super easy though! they're all about you! I also love this program because this was how I paid for college, its a scholarship opportunity. :)
 Let's see where october takes me...
I really really really hope I dont have to go into any

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Blog it.

So here I am, the first week of my 4th semester of college.

So far, So good.
My classes seem pretty chill, and easy going. I'm taking:
Sociology through Film
Contemporary Cinema
Geology: Environment and Natural Disasters
History of Native Americans

My film classes are fun because they're back to back so I get to watch and talk about movies for a good 3 hours. I'm really interested to see what kind of things I'll write about for my sociology class, the movies that are on our list are very interesting, movies that I've seen plenty of times; so I guess we'll see.

Tuesday night I started talking to my family about my classes, and my parents asked why I was taking the History of Native Americans, so I told them,
-"Well I wanted to meet more natives and what not, plus learn more about other cultures, but the problem I faced was everyone in my class is...well NOT native. I'm the only one. So that plan went out the door."
(Zack starts laughing and says)
-"Well duh there aren't any Natives in that class, the REAL natives already know about their history!"
Then as always my family starts crackin up laughing. I totally walked into that one. so oh well I'll be the minority in the class, literally.

This time around I actually want to be serious about this, get my grades up and actually graduate with honors for once. Wish me luck. I also want to get done with community college ASAP, I feel so behind because alot of my friends are starting to graduate with their associates, and I had to take the long route. haha.

What's next after CGCC??

Most likely ASU. I know I know "What happened to BYU? Well as much as I would love to go, I really enjoy my job, and I have a good thing going here in AZ, an opportunity to have a career, So I want to get in as much experience as I can. I have people well my Supervisor James who is pushing for me to go to Grand Canyon University here in Phoenix, but NO WAY!

So here I go, starting another chapter in my life.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

"when i'm happy when Nichelle Comes home"

(title as said by kristen)

So I arrived back in AZ at 7:30. and boy I am happy to be back.

Now i'm going to answer the question of the day.

"why did you move back?"
-couldn't hack it??


Well, the big issue was money, lets just say the money made at JCP wasn't going to cut it, for the bills I have. Plus school was another issue for me. a lot of brick walls hit, first the community college credits I had didn't even make a dent at UVU. So basically I was starting all over; a giant waste! Then the financial side of school was an issue too, everytime I'd go to get money or a loan it would take forever to get processed or just wouldn't happen.
So last thursday I made the decision, yeah I need to go home. After this started forming doors opened back in AZ.I was able to get my old job-but be promoted to a higher position. Plus I was able to get back into school easier.The only thing I didn't want to leave in Utah was my friends. I have had an AMAZING summer! One that goes right up there with my 2007 summer! AMAZING.

 I know I moved up to Utah for a reason, I sure learned alot and I guess its going to take time to see what will become of these decisions...

Arriving home.
I was greeted by my cousins and brother. All who smelled like stinky boys but I didn't care it was great to see them.

Next walking into the house was insane!

Betty, attcked, well jumped on my from excitement. I've never seen her get so happy like that. haha. She had my attention for a good 10 min to calm her down. Then hugs to the family.

but this post is for my youngest sister KRISTEN.
She is one hilarious girl. I wish there was a video camera that followed her around because she says and does the most random /funny things! haha.

Tonight she walked around with a dr pepper box on her head because she was shy...haha. I don't know how to describe my darling sister, she definately keeps all of us laughing.

I'm happy to be home. We'll see what this time around in AZ will be like what adventures and Shinanigans I get into! :)

to my UTAH friends.
I love you. miss you.
and will never forget you!
Your navajo!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

"Dont freak out!"

August 12th.
Marks the day when my little group went separate ways for awhile.
Jenna headed to San Diego for the weekend to prep for her mission and go though the TEMPLE!
Doobs is going to the DR
Addi and Bart are headed for Minnesota
Brigham and Casey remain here doin what they do best! haha. I'm sure I'll see them.
We all decided to go out with a bang for the next weeks we won't all be together.

Last Night.
A fun night at Sub Zero ice cream and swimming. No matter where we go the conversations are hilarious! haha. All night the typical group question "So guys what are we going to do??, I don't know what do you want to do?" haha. suggestions from floating the provo at midnight to dollar movies.
Went to Pantrucas for lunch.
Helped clean up the room, and Jenna Pack.
Floated the Provo River.
Minus  two friends Casey and Jenna. Sad...
We began our journey. As soon as we stepped foot in the FREEZING river we all knew it was going to be an adventure!

6 people. 3 tubes.

Rylie and I were the first to flip our Tube, within the first two minutes in the river we hit tree branches; then watch our tube AND shoes float the river without us. Where were the boys you ask?? already out of sight. the current was pretty fast. Ry and I looked at each other like WHAT NOW?? haha. so we had to walk down the side of the bank to find the boys. Luckily they were waiting for us a ways down with our tube and shoes.

Next to Flip were Alex and Brigham.
They win the
I don't blame them, the tube they were on was meant for one person.
The greatest fall from them and the frequently used comment out of Brigham's mouth was
"Alex don't Freak out! Don't freak out, you'll tip us"
I can't blame Alex for freaking out:

1. the water was cold!
2. there were Rocks all over the place
3. We got pushed to the side all the time,
so you'd be freaking out too
if you saw a HUGE rock in your way.

But everytime they fell off, Brigham got the beating.
Dragged under Addi and Bart's tube.
Cut his foot, bruises on his knees.
He's a warrior.

The last time they flipped, you could tell Brigham wasn't going to give in and give up. he launched himself onto my tube and bart's and held for dear life, then all of a sudden Bart grabs his Shorts and Tries to pull him up, with Alex pulling Brig's arms. Great team effort and Picture! haha.


 We all played a part to help each other. There was one point where we tried to keep away from the bank so we would turn the other persons tube or push off from the sides, I can't describe it but after awhile we got the hang of it.

Here is a video of the adventure after Brigham's great fall. The audio is hard to hear because its Windy.

A really sad thing that happened aside from all the injuries...


They'd fallen off 3 times on the trip. each time saved by the boys. But the 4th time they weren't so lucky...Lesson learned. No flip flops when you float the river! haha.

First time doing it what can I say! haha.


Monday, August 9, 2010

"We can be your Hero baby!"

Today I donated Blood for the First time!

Jenna was right by my side!
I was a bit nervous only because the last time I had blood taken was when I was younger and even then I had some pretty crazy situations. haha

I know what Vein to use when giving blood, I have DEEP veins so its always hard to get it right the first time. I show the nurse where the vein is EVERYTIME but they are convinced they are experts and can find a bigger one. WELL I was right as always, she "Thought" she felt the vein and after getting a second opinion and DIGGING around in my skin they found it. When if they would of just listened they would of gotten it the first time. haha. I laugh because when I was younger I had more the 4 nurses come in and try to get a vein, sticking both of my arms to a total of 10 times! insane right...SO I think i'm pretty much an expert at where to draw blood from. haha.

I sat there watching a pint of blood being taken from me. Excited that I finally did it. Of course you always get the goof balls that tease the first timers. My friend matt text me saying "Just thought you might want to know that giving blood increases your chance of one day contracting yellow fever by and astounding 34 percent" goofy matt! haha. Then another guy from my ward tried telling me that it was a painful experience, comparing it to getting a tattoo, because he has so much experience in it. I laughed.

Overall, a thumbs up in experience. I was comfortable, and it went well. Next step to give plasma!

its called being spontaneous!

Guess who went to the Valley of the Sun this past weekend! Yup! this girl right here!

The Plan.
Last Tuesday while at Sammy's eating a Shake, my friends Brigham and Casey were discussing a trip to Arizona. My ears perked up as soon as they said it, instantly I wanted to go. The money topic came, so I felt this was my chance to pipe in; volunteering my parents house to save money. Interested, they agreed. By that point Brigham decided not to go, leaving the trip to be just me and Casey. (Now casey if you read this know that you are my friend!) haha. Well I was a little nervous first of all to be going with just Brigham and Casey only because I barely met them a couple weeks prior. But then having it be just Casey? I hope and prayed that my family wouldn't scare him off or anything. haha. So the plan was made. Thursday morning.

Thursday came and words could not describe my excitement...I was going HOME.

The drive.
Was a blast!
Luckily Casey and I have the same taste in music, so that was a bonus, AND had some good laughs along the way. I felt like I had known Casey for awhile. haha. I have to say the music we jammed out to the most was 90's music. I introduced him to alot of the newer music of today, it was interesting how much of my stuff he didn't know...and vice versa. Lol. It seems like when I travel with people TO arizona they end up getting a ticket. haha. Passing through Fillmore and BAM a highway patrolman gets Casey. just 10 over. Lol. The cop acted all tough and Casey handled it well. If it was me I would of been shakin from bein nervous to also bein mad that I got pulled over. haha. just $90. Lol. "Oh well, I was due for one, its been 6 years" said Casey as we drove off.

Another cool highlight from our trip down was our "Starburst Station" I suggest everyone have one of these in your car. I got teased my my wrapper folding skills, most people just crumble it up, NOPE not me I actually fold it. haha.

The Heat.
We arrived in the valley about 8pm. A nice 10 hr drive. We swtiched in Page so I got to make the AZ drive. As soon as we were on the 101, passin the casinos-Tempe Marketplace-San Tan Parkway. I knew I was home, and boy home never looked so good!

Beware of Dog...Oops!
When we got to the house, my family was out at dinner, and my amazing friend Tanay had dinner waiting for us at her house. Before dinner I had to go to the house, as soon as we walked in my dog Betty starts barking with excitment, and greeted me with jumping and wagging her tail. As I enjoyed her excitment, Casey didn't get the same welcome. Let's just say my dog nearly attacked him. haha. I had to physically pick her up and remove her from the house. My pitbull/lab didn't not like the guest. Not the first time, but I forgot how protective she can be. Luckily she warmed up to Casey, and the rest of the weekend wasn't a disaster.
Tanay you can be my personal chef! We had chicken fajita tacos!! AHH amazing!!! with homeade guacamole and salsa. You have one lucky husband Tanay! He gets to eat like that ALL the time!

Casey went to the wedding and I headed out to the CLUB. Before I walked in the door Eli ran out and tackled me! I was happy to see my best friend once again! The fun part came...walking into the gym during announcements. A second in the door and whispers and gasps begin. "NICHELLE!" " IS THAT--??" "LOOK NICHELLE IS HERE!" It was an amazing day, full of hugs and questions of  "when are you done in living in Utah??" "I miss you!" "Come back to Red Mountain" "Don't leave" great day with great kids! The same thing happened with the teens but more dramatic. I thought I got tackled by Eli?? NO WAY! I had 6 Teens run me into a wall, they were so excited to see me.
I was there for a good 5 hours, talking to old friends, teens, and kids. GREAT DAY!

Finally came back to Gilbert, and visited Kylee! Later that night picked up Casey, and played cards with the family.

The Fun Part.
My Aunt Kay and her two kids came to town. Now when my mom and aunt get together who knows what jokes will come or sarcasm. Luckily Casey being the sarcastic guy he is was able to be witty back. I can be pretty witty myself, but that night I was just there to listen, laugh, and play. haha. Let my family do the teasing. haha. We had a blast at each game we played!

We were supposed to leave, but for one I was WAY too tired, and wanted to be with my family one more day. Casey was a good sport about it, and agreed. My dad had tickets to the Diamonbacks game that night, and so we got the opportunity to go to that. My families ward was there also, and having never been in that ward because they moved into it while i was in Singles ward, most of the time people don't know that my parents have a 20 year old. So you know what that means I'm the one people talk "I wonder if she's inactive?" or "I wonder why they never mentioned they had a 20 year old." haha. We had a good time! the Dbacks pulled through and won. Casey and I rode in style to the game in my dad's Chrysler 300. Afterwards we went to AZ mills to see a movie--The Other Guys. Sadly I FELL ASLEEP!! first time ever! I paid $7 to take a nap. WASTE! haha. Casey said it was a good I'll take his word for it.

We drove home. Way more quiet drive home than before. For me it was weird seeing Casey so quiet becasue he was very talkitive the entire weekend. We both had a pretty good nap while one person drove. We saw a FULL rainbow as we drove through Utah, I saw lightning strike a mile away from the car. It was LOUD, and Casey finally got his Jack in the Box. haha.

A Summary.
Overall it was an amazing trip. Recharged my battery. I miss home that's for sure. But I know I'm here in Utah for a reason, and I know there are some things I need to change *coughs* my Job. I'm excited for school to start! This semester will be pretty interesting-especially when the snow comes!

If I didn't get to see you in Arizona, know that I still love you! haha.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

swagga like us... this post I got to give a shout out to my friends; because after this weekend I've realized how much i've been blessed with the friends I'm surrounded with. I really have had a great time this weekend, and realized how much I do miss my AZ peeps.

Also, I've learned and been amazed by how much I have grown up since I graduated in 2008!
"Changes come, but where they go you never know"-Jordin Sparks

For sure I've seen my far share of change within these 2 years. I've had friends leave on missions, gained friendships, lost friendships, and seen friends transition into new stages of life. Pretty much since 2008, I've become a new person. I guess thats the most exciting part about growing up, is being able to see where you were not only a year but maybe 6 months ago.
I've encountered many tricky trials, amazing adventures, and fun friendships! I guess I wanted to write this post to tell all my friends how much I love them, and all they do for me. I could give a shout out to each and every one of you, but i'd be here all night. You know who you are, whether we talk now or not, you have truly made a forever impact in my life, made me the person I am today. Thank you!