Tonight I saw "The Social Network".
I honestly don't know where to start. First I guess I should say that I really did enjoy this movie. Am I going to run out at midnight when it comes to DVD...probably not, but it did make me think.
The common question that rises from every generation is
"How did I survive...?"
Generation Y.
"I honestly don't remember what my life was like before Facebook."
How many times a day are you checking your facebook? whether its updating your status, uploading pictures, or seeing who's online. Facebook is who we are as a generation, its how we all communicate. I will confess that I am completely guilty of this. I love my facebook, and yes I probably am on it too much, but I enjoy being able to talk to old friends, laugh at random status', or simply looking at photos.
After seeing this movie it was really crazy to see how much effort really does go into making a site like this. A network that really does know how to connect people with just the simple information you put in. It finds people that have the same interests as you, most of the time its people you know or knew in the past.
Most of us did the Myspace thing, but I can honestly say that Facebook has to be way more exciting than Myspace, and who knows maybe this is just a fad and will go out soon. The movie said it itself "Its like Fashion...always changing."
I enjoyed this movie because it made me think of how true it is that people want to know what their friends are doing, who's dating who, or simply venting their problems. No matter how hard you want to deny that you aren't a "facebook stalker", you are! There have been plenty of times I have sat in the library at school or even in class and seen people stare at the screen for hours clicking through pictures or commenting on status'.
Back to the movie, I would recommend it, but know that this isn't the common Hollywood plot line, its a true story. You have to walk into that theater realizing that your basically going to watch a documentary. It will provoke ideas and thoughts about how you see the facebook world, and perhaps make you wonder what you would do if you were put into Mark Zuckerberg's shoes or any of the other characters' shoes.
Tell me if I'm wrong or missing anything of what our generation is or has become, I love discussing things like this especially when it comes to the point of how you would define what a "Social life is?" Is it how many friends you have on Facebook, or is it the people you actually speak to face to face daily. Is a social life simply sending a text to someone or is it actually calling them having a conversation for more than 2 minutes.
So you tell me. What is a social life? Is our generation losing, missing out on anything, because we depend so much on technologies? Will the future be in jeopardy because of how Generation Y communicates and learns. Will the simple things of life slowly fade away and become just another blip in history because technology will provide a way to make it fast and easy.