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Saturday, July 31, 2010

swagga like us... this post I got to give a shout out to my friends; because after this weekend I've realized how much i've been blessed with the friends I'm surrounded with. I really have had a great time this weekend, and realized how much I do miss my AZ peeps.

Also, I've learned and been amazed by how much I have grown up since I graduated in 2008!
"Changes come, but where they go you never know"-Jordin Sparks

For sure I've seen my far share of change within these 2 years. I've had friends leave on missions, gained friendships, lost friendships, and seen friends transition into new stages of life. Pretty much since 2008, I've become a new person. I guess thats the most exciting part about growing up, is being able to see where you were not only a year but maybe 6 months ago.
I've encountered many tricky trials, amazing adventures, and fun friendships! I guess I wanted to write this post to tell all my friends how much I love them, and all they do for me. I could give a shout out to each and every one of you, but i'd be here all night. You know who you are, whether we talk now or not, you have truly made a forever impact in my life, made me the person I am today. Thank you!

Friday, July 23, 2010

To the moon and back again...

Yes, the trip I have been waiting for all year finally happened. It was great.

People ask "What did you do?"

Well, goofed around in Seattle, stayed in a sweet condo in Pacific Beach (walking distance to the ocean), spent time with my siblings and parents, did the family reunion thing, went to the Hoh rainforest, did the twilight thing again (gag me!) haha., swam with seals. you get the picture.

So the seals part was more my siblings, only because I was sick that day. SAD! haha.

It was just as I remembered it. This time I got the Seattle effects! No rain, but the thick fog! I said this once and I will say it again. I absolutely LOVE the beaches there! I think most of the pictures I took were at the beaches. I can't explain it, but they're breathtaking.

 "Goonie Beach"
So in this picture we called it goonie beach because on the left side of the beach (not shown) there were 3 rocks that looked like the ones that fit into the key stone that Mikey had.

haha. According to my siblings that's what they thought.

To me it seemed like we stopped at every outlook. My brother even jumped into Cresent Lake, as we stopped for lunch. that was hilarious!
The HAHA Moments
There were so many random things that happened on our trip, and most of this post will probably be about that and you may think, Nichelle I have no clue what you are talking about, or how is that funny? So i'll say it right now, "Ya had to be there!"
"LIGHT BULB!" -Gru (Despicable Me)

In the video, Zack had barely gotten into the lake, Rhiannon and I had a good idea to play a trick on him. She was going to distract him, and then throw a rock in to splash him. The water was a little chilly, but Zack went in anyways. It was funny. Once the Rock hit the water Zack got payback, and as he started splashing us I knew it was over, and it would be tragedy for my phone. haha so I ran. Lol.

I love my family just for the reason that some simple question, phrase or remark, can be taken so seriously or as a joke. Equally we all have our random moments, frequently mine happen with friends, but on this trip the random/ funny things go to my brother and sister (zack and kristen)

Don't mess with the Jellyfish!
On our way to Forks/ La Push, these two had a interesting conversation. first of all I can't believe my 16 yr old brother continued to agrue with my 7 yr old sister about the size of jellyfish. You see Kelpy kreme (kristen) is an animal lover. She truly does know alot about animals, and most of the time if we argue with her about it its just because its cute how mad she gets or how she will sit back and argue with you about it. I was sad that the audio is bad, only because my dad had the window down. The conversation was so good.
After this conversation, Zack pipes in as always, and we start talking Twilight. Here is the conversation.

Zack's Twilight moment
Zack: Have you ever noticed how when bella and edward kiss there kiss looks so painful?? I wonder why so many girls and women go GAGA over it. I mean is that what girls want these days? A painful kiss? so do I just walk up to a girl and say 'HEY! want a painful kiss? Pour some glitter on me and I'll sparkle for you!'
(I was laughing so hard. He had a point!)
Zack: I mean look at jacob and Bella's kiss, he knew how to do it. The reason Bella punched him probably was because it didn't hurt her the way edwards did, so she had to punch him just to get that satisfaction. Shoot i should be more like Jacob. Just take the initiative and kiss a girl I like, that guy did it right. If the girl happens to punch me and break her hand, well that's her problem. I'd break my hand too if I punched pure awesomness!
I kid you not. he SAID ALL OF THIS! where does this kid get this stuff.

Kelpy Kreme
So my sister, oh my sister. I love her to death and I hope that her humor stays with her. She's only 7 but always says the most random things.
so we're at the condo in Pacific Beach, just chillin out watchin TV, she walks in the room as we're eatin Oreo's
K: Raise your hand if you don't like Crickets...
Me: huh??
K: you know the cookie
Me: you mean grasshoppers??
K: uh...yeah those too...
Me: (giggles) kelpy those are delicious. why don't you like them??
K: (thinks for a second) uh...i...oh I like them too.
Me: Why did you ask who didn't like them.
K: I just wanted to see who would raise their hand

That night.
We were all exhuasted. but my brother and sisters proceeded to make noises and giggle. Zack was making noises with his mouth (the water drop thing) The noises and stuff would go back and forth between kelpy and zack. Finally I was like, "ok go to sleep you two, quit makin noises" Zack does one last sound and then a different noise. I thought it was kelpy, so I said "Kelpy, stop"
K: That was zack!! I don't know how to do that one!
Rhiannon and I laughed so hard because her tone was priceless. Zack couldn't help it either.

The Fearless One
Now I can't forget Rhiannon. She is somethin else. She is such a go getter, and if she's learning something new she won't stop until she gets it right, or comes out first. The day I was sick, they rented wet suits and boogie boards and we headed to the tide pools. She was out there FOREVER in the freezing ocean riding the waves. After her 3rd try, she nailed it! She was better than Zack. it was great!

A bonus that day, a whole family of seals came in and were fishing in the water. It was pretty cool to see them, obviously no one was in the water when that was happening. Rhiannon was busy drying off and getting warm, Kelpy building sand castles, and Zack...finding driftwood that looked like guns. haha.

A Priceless Thought
I guess I could go on forever talking about little moments we had. I guess the important thing is I had fun. Just another memory with my family. Loved every second I got with my aunts and uncles.  Game night was the best, even though it didn't last long. Still always great to swap stories and what not.

Family reunions, they sure are great, especially when you're with a family like mine!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Washington Then and Now...

2 interesting things that happened while in Washington...
--Someone actually walked up to me and asked if I was Native American!
--It did not rain the entire time I was there!
Last Year in April. I took a trip with my mom to Washington, to do a girls trip with her and her sisters. We were going to do the Twilight trip, and I was stoked about it! Plus I'd never been to Washington so I was already prepping myself for the fact that it always rains there! haha. Once we got there, it was indeed a new place! I had never seen so much greenery before! My Aunt's house was tucked into this culda sac on this hill. It was a cute house.

Basically, on this trip I had the best time of my life, met interesting people and walked through a rain forest! haha. The Twilight excursion, we did it all, going through Port Angeles, seeing the Canadian Border, La Push, and finally arriving in Forks. I'm a Team Jacob girl, not because he's native. I think I could like him more only because I think that's what guys in the real world are like, and should be. Not this immortal shiny being, but someone who will love you, but also be honest with you and won't sugar coat things. The normal guy that will make sure you know he likes you, that will fight for your attention.

La Push
was my favorite out of the destinations. It did look like the typical reservation, but I fell in love with the Beach. Right there I was ready to move to Washington for these beaches. It was everything I imagined from the book. I knew the movie wasn't filmed there, but I felt more unique to the fact that it was the real La Push.

The town really got into it, and it wasn't just the businesses, but the people too! Each having the same story that the Cullens were out of town and what not! so crazy! The coolest part I thought was the High school sign because indeed it was the sign from the movie. Out of everything I got from Forks it was the high school sign. To those who wish to visit forks, don't buy ANY merchandise there. They make all their stuff at the high school. I bought a t-shirt there and I wore it once and the words faded off of it! haha. But I will hand it to the people of forks they for sure have done a good job accommodating Twilight fans. 
The Hoh Rain Forest
The Hoh rain forest is indeed a rain forest! There was so much moss all over the place it reminded me of a Dr. Suess book. Maybe that's where he got his inspiration for his trees and what not. It really did have that creepy feeling. In the picture where i'm with my cousin (Boo) I was so freaked out to kneel infront of this tree, because its roots were raised, so you could walk under it or somthing could have shelter under it. I was scared that the "THING" was going to jump out and grab me. She wasn't too happy about being there. We had a good time being there.


Finally Seattle came, I thought it was cool we had to take a ferry from Bremerton to get there. I saw a lot of seals and plus cool houses built into the sides of the hills. I kept telling my mom "I want to live here!" I had be rain deprived since I lived in Arizona, so I thought it was time to have some rain come my way.  My Mom and I ventured into seattle one of the days alone, and had a blast. I was really into photography that trip so I took alot of artistic pictures. I ate at this great restaurant by the bay Ivars, best clam chowder EVER! I can't wait to introduce my dad to it! We also went to the famous Pike's Place. Its and indoor swap meet basically. It was so interesting to me because whatever you needed, anything, you were sure to find a vendor that had it. We even watched the fish throwing, bought my dad a giant lobster tail, he was very pleased! it was a great time.

July 2010 
I am excited to see what this weeks trip will be like, this time my entire family will be there. We're camping on the beach, doin the Twilight thing (for the sake of my sister and cousins) back to the Hoh Rain Forest, and back to my favorite city...Seattle!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Skittles are GRRREAT!

So I'm just going to say this fast!
I've really been thinking a lot about my old job. I miss it alot:
(The BBQ's, Announcements, ASU Pow wow, Kareoke teen girls night, Torch Club Conference,  Halloween)

I miss walking in through the doors and having kids say my name, run up give me a hug, and ask how my day was. I miss my co workers and all the fun we had, all the inside jokes, and movie nights. (plus my blonde moments with them. haha)I miss sitting down one on one with a teen and discussing with them whats going on in their life, and them asking me for advice. I miss the feeling I would have everynight coming home that I did something important and made an impact. Now there were nights where I had something troubling happen, and I miss being able to sit down with my dad and talk about it, seek his advice and guidance.
The Boys & Girls Club was and is my life. I'm trying to get a job at the club here, because I'm not liking my situation at JCPenney. I think my biggest turn off was the attitudes from my manager and my co workers. Its a tedious task at what I do, but I don't know its just rough, nothing to special for me.
Skittles are GRRREAT!
So back to the now. Last night was great! haha. I threw a Suprise party for my roommate Jenna; with the help of my firends Alex and Addi we made it possible.
Jenna's birthday is on saturday, and I thought it would be a fun idea to throw a party for her. Now I knew right away if I would of gone about it with her knowing it was for her, she most likely would have been against it. haha. So I knew it had to be a suprise. I text my trust friend Alex to come up with a plan. We had thrown around holding it for her on her acutal birthday, but things just weren't going to happen. Plus I wanted to do it before I left for Washington. Anyways, yesterday morning I got the bright idea to have a "game night". I told Alex about it, and it was set! Jenna was cool with the game night, and so the planning began. I sent the text out we were good to go! All I needed to do was get the cake and snacks.

I went to the store that evening, Jenna still oblivious, and got the cake. I was going to store it at our friend Matt's house until that night. Things were still going according to plan. I was a bit shocked at how easy this was. "Keep things simple" I told myself. I have a habit of letting my creativity get the best of me, and go over the top. haha. In some cases its helped me out, but in others, well you get the idea. haha.

Jenna and I went to a concert on campus. It was pretty cool, students who wrote their own music performed I believe it was called Acoustic Explosion. When we got home, we had about an hour till people started showing up. Jenna decided to go for a run, once she left I started to set things up. Busted out the skittles, I got two flavors: 
Original and Crazy Core (suggestion by Tyler)
I was curious to see what these Crazy Cores would be like, and they are Crazy good! haha. Two flavors in One Skittle! haha.
Everything was set up and ready to go.

Once everyone started showing up, I knew it was going to be a fun night!
The first game we played was Telephone Charades, if you're wondering what it is, the name is what it is. You have 4 people who step outside, and the rest of the group inside comes up with 3 things: a person, an object, and an action.
Here's an example of one we've done before. Person: Willy Wonka, Action: Quidditch,  Thing: Corndog.
Person 1 comes in and the group tells them the phrase.
Person 1 acts it out to person 2
Person 2 acts it out to person 3 (each doing their own interpretation of what they think it is.)
Person 3 acts it out to person 4 while person 4 says out loud what the action, person, and thing is.

We played 3 rounds of this. It was hilarious. I don't think I did a very good job at it. haha. But that's just me.

The other game we played involved a dictionary (I forgot the name of it) but the object was to pick a random word out and each team had to come up with a song that had that word in it. You'd go back and forth until a team couldn't think of one. The word that was a huge hit was "Rock" so here's an example of a song "I fell in love with a girl at the Rock Show..." You're supposed to sing 8 words from the song in order for it to count. It was crazy how many songs we all came up with. Granted some were just the chorus repeated over and over again. "Lean with it, rock with it" haha. It was fun!

While we played I gave Matt the cue and he went to go get the cake. I met him outside, and we both walked in and started singing, it was cool that everyone knew what to do, and well it was just perfect. Jenna's face was priceless. She had no idea!

The rest of the night was history; continued playing the dictionary game, and people started rolling out about midnight. A good two hours of fun! haha. I had a blast, and I hope everyone else did too.

Hopefully we can do more things like that, its always nice to meet new people. The skittles were a HIT, glad I bought them! haha.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The 3 Day Adventure!

So after a long 5 days at work I was so happy to have a 3 day break! I was pretty curious as to what fun would find me! Well friday Jenna and I did some major cleaning; because we had cleaning checks the next day. I think these things are so dumb, especially by how strict it is. We don't have much cleaning supplies so I did as much as I could with what I had.
Cleaning took me back to the saturday mornings at home, when my dad would wake us all up at 8am. I ALWAYS hated it when my dad did this and loathed saturday mornings but you know as I grew up I grew to appreciate those times, especially when I moved out the first time. That year I was on my own even though I lived 2 miles from home. I missed...yes missed doing yard work! I think if I had to pick a chore that's the one I missed the most. haha. But when we'd clean I took pride in whatever my job was and did it. I'm not trying to make myself look like a saint when it comes to chores I had my difficulties with self motivation and i'm sure my parents can comment on that. But I knew that it was something needed to be done.
Back to the present, living up here in utah I've had to use all the knowledge i've gained at home in order to survive. So as I cleaned the bathroom and livingroom; flashbacks of my dad popped into my head, of how effecient he always was. Then seeing the end result and feeling good about what just occured. Plus Jenna and I had another self motivator, our friends Addy and Alex told us they'd come over to help us clean. Jenna was the one who spoke to Alex on the phone and it was funny because their conversation was ALL in spanish (Jenna is going on a mission, spanish speaking) so I only caught a couple words. But her reaction to Alex being persistent to help us was hilarious. After she hung up she quickly stated "Nichelle we have 30 min to get this house spotless, Addy and Alex are on their way over!" We worked so hard to accomplish our task. They boys did come seeking to still help us. I'll admit it was pretty awesome of them to do. Once the task was done the house looked and smelt great! I was confident we would pass in the morning.

After cleaning, we all sat in the living room dicussing what our plans were going to be. After the infamous question of "So, what do you want to do?" was asked repeatedly Addy came up with a great idea to bike from the Provo Canyon to Utah Lake. I'll admit, I wasn't too gun-hoe for this idea, coming from AZ where I didn't do much outdoor activities just mainly because its so stinkin HOT I was a little standoffish to the idea, but what they hey its something new! The deal got better! Addy's grandparents had a 4 person bike and a tandum bike. I thought the 4 person one sounded pretty sweet! We picked up the bikes and headed to Provo Canyon!

We met up with our friend Bart at vivian park, where he had the bikes. Jenna and Addy hopped onto the tandum. Alex, Bart, and I rode the 4 person one. Right away I knew this bike was not meant for tall people! haha. I sat in the front. Alex brought his portable speakers, and i had my ipod. As fas as I was concerned we had a party! haha. Well Bart and Alex soon discovered that the bike was pretty hard to steer! 1 person steered while peddaling, the second peddaled and the other 2 relaxed! haha. The entire time we were in the canyon,the relaxing person was me! haha. I felt bad for the boys, offered to help but they continued with their job. haha. We had some pretty intense moments, I could just see myself time after time going head first into the pavement or off the edge into the river. So yeah I had some near death experiences along with some unforgettable ones! For example, we went Fast and Furious on that bad boy! Tokyo Drift style, we drifted around this sharp turn. I'll admit you could hear fear in all of our voices as each of us said "SLOW DOWN-- BRAKE--WHOA!!" but we made it! no crashes.
This is about what our route looked like
Until we got out of the canyon, along University ave.Jenna was driving the tandum with Addy in the back and all of a sudden BAM they crash going off the edge of the sidewalk. It was pretty brutal they both laid there for a bit, luckily it was onto some grass. They still got banged up pretty good! At that point is where I took over pedalling. Now going back to my first comment of the 4 person bike not meant for tall people, yeah my knees were in for a ride! If the seat could just move back a tiny bit I would have been perfect but NO I was cramed in the passenger seat. Oh boy! did I get a work out! My legs were on fire! It was me, Addy, and Jenna this time. It was a fun ride. But as soon as I started driving the bike I felt so bad cause it truly was hard to control and we had some crashes along the way. I couldn't believe it. I bent part of the metal bar on the front tire cause I ran us into a wall. Yeah not fun, but Addy and Jenna were good sports about it. The view and scenery of the ride was amazing! I really want to do it again! I had a blast. So I got my work out from the end of the canyon to the lake which was maybe like 6-7 miles. The entire trip was 15 miles long! I'm glad I didn't find out this distance before hand or else I probably would have been hesitant to bike it. Now that I did it, I would do it again! haha. The rest of the night for me was more recovery, I was so beat. The boys invited Jenna and I to go see "How to Train Your Dragon" but i'd seen it 5 times (yes I know a bit much, but the 3 out of the 5 were because people hadn't seen it yet. So my Dragon Training was at its limit. haha.


The day had come! The dreaded cleaning checks. This check was unique only because it was just jenna and I at home. So we hoped that the ladies would be more understanding if it wasn't up to par. Yeah no we were wrong. I failed my test, I was not happy at all, but thanks to the advice of my roommates and my years kissin up to people, I played dumb and made the lady feel like she was right. But honestly the stuff I failed on was so dismal to what really should be looked at. In my head I wanted to argue with the lady and talk back but I knew it would make it worse. Here are some things she picked at. First off, the stinkin mirror! there was ONE streak on it and it was at the top corner! No one even uses that part of the mirror, I'm tall and I don't even use that part of the mirror so what would it matter?! THEN the edge around the faucet, where the metal is. I'm sorry but those are rust stains that I scrubbed on and would NOT come off. Then she pointed out the counters saying they weren't wiped off. I felt them after she did, not a single grody feeling came off that stinkin counter. There was more she pointed out. Honestly if you go into a bathroom and analyze all that stuff you got some serious issues. Do your business and get out! haha. So I failed. I stood there thinking wow my dad paid attention to detail, and ticked me off sometimes, but this lady my dad look like a saint. She's the cleaning Nazi! But being me, I listened and asked questions, and yes she failed me but I didn't get charged because "I took it so well, and I was a nice girl with no attitude" So that played in my favor. As soon as they left I rolled my eyes and tried to figure out how I was going to do all that junk before wednesday when they come back!

Well the fun starts, the plan was to go to Mona to the rope swing. I was pretty excited because I'd never really done a rope swing into a lake. Luckily that day I got a nice text from an old friend who lived here in Utah! Tanner! We went to high school together, and had some pretty goofy times, so when I invited him with us I was so happy to see him! It really made my day! There was a total of 10 people in our group. Alex had invited his brother along with some friends they were in his car, then Addy drove his and it was Jenna, Tanner and I. We had a grand ol' time in Addy's convertable. But of course you always have to have a misfortune happen, and we should all know this that you loose things so easily out of a convertable! Tanner thought it'd be cool to poke his head up fromt he front seat and in doing so, he lost his bandana! haha. Jenna and I laughed, but felt bad for Tanner's loss. So that was kind of the joke the rest of the day.

We got to Mona, and there was a bunch of people there. As we got to the first rope it was pretty legit, but a ton of people at it. there were 3 levels with platforms and everything. on the otherside there was another rope and we decided to go to that one. But it wasn't as fancy as the first one. Basically it was a water ski rope. haha. So as a group we watched everyone else go for it, and jump in. Addy was the first one to do it, then one by one everyone tried. Jenna and I got into the water first and watched from there. The Water was chilly when you first got in but as soon as the sun hit it, it was decent. So the fun continued, Tanner was the one that got me up there to try it out. I was scared out my mind but I knew as soon as I did it I'd be okay. I walked out onto the branch, grabbed the rope and rehearsed in my head how it would go down. all I had to do was jump off, hold on and let go over the water. I Jumped...and FAILED! I let go too soon and BAM! hit the water. got the wind knocked out of me. I was so EMBARASSED! Told myself, well i tried, not doing that again! haha. I just watched everyone else do flips and what not. I knew I was going to feel the pain the next day.

We left mona that day, and headed back for Provo. I was excited to get back because that week I qualified for a phone upgrade. The possibilities were endless! I ended up getting a Samsung Reality.
Pretty nice right? haha. I get it on Tuesday! I can't wait for it!  After I got my phone Tanner texts me to hang out. The plan was to eat dinner and hang out. I made Chicken, baked potatoes, and corn on the cob. A treat right?? AHH I was so excited to eat corn on the cob. I've had my braces off for almost 2 months now and I eating corn off the cob was something I missed. We had a good time, we both were extremely tired, but it was pretty cool to see an old friend.

From there, we went out for ice cream and spontaneously decided to go watch Eclipse! I Love this movie! No joke the best movie yet. I can't wait for breaking dawn! So I had a pretty eventful weekend.

it has been pretty nice. Church was only an hour long today. We had it at a Utah historical site up on center behind the mental hospital. it was a castle looking place, and we held sacrament meeting in the ampitheater. When we got the place I felt like I was in europe, the landscape was so green and lush with trees and plus it look like a castle. I'm not sure why we had it there but it was a nice change. Came home took a nap, watched"The Other Side of Heaven", and going to my aunt and uncle's house for dinner. So, a pretty chill night in provo. Tomorrow its back to work! 6am! haha.

Friday, July 9, 2010

On your mark get set go!

So, i caved...I'm writing a blog. I can't guarentee i'll be 100% about keeping up with this, but hey why not?! i'm curious to see who actually reads and comments on this. :)

.My Amazing family.
Memorial weekend at the Cabin
.Happy Birthday to me!.
.Last day of work.
Dan, Eli, "E"
But moving to Utah has for sure changed me for the better! I love it here. Yes I do miss AZ. not the heat of course but friends and family. There are times I wish I could just pop home and say hi. See my dog, siblings and parents. I miss that the most, being able to talk to my mom and dad one on one after work and what not. But hey I guess it was time to grow up, take the jump, pursue the dream I've had since I was a little girl. Now I know what you're thinking. Nichelle really your dream was to move to Utah?? haha. Well yes and no. If you know me I come from a family that when its football season my entire house will shut down for a game. The 3 F's come to play.! haha. At least that's how i like to veiw it during the glorious months of football season.

.Jenna and I at Battle creek falls.
Well, so far here in Utah I've met some pretty amazing people, ventured into many crazy fun things, experienced life of college. haha. I'm anxious to see what the future months have in store. It is pretty exciting to think about. I mean I did 3 semesters at community college after high school, but I know its not the same as living in a real college town. I've accomplished pretty awesome stuff!

.Mate' Night.
"A Yummy Spanish Tea"

Bonfires, Fugitive, hiking, movies, biking, waterfalls, fireworks and much more! Just to name a few of what my Utah life is.
.Tumble Gym.Sumo Amanda & Nichelle

I have to say starting this thing was tough. Like choosing a stinkin name!! I wanted to be creative and I like to think myself as a pretty creative person, but if I have to force myself honestly its like my mind gets wiped clean! what the heck. So this morning I sat at my computer trying to think of a stinkin name! searched online tried to find something that was me. Maybe use nicknames?? naw...I mean I have friends and family that have genius names, at least to me they're catchy. so how am I supposed to compete with that! haha. Then i figured why not turn to the trusty itunes! Stuck it on random and looked at all the titles.
1. Rooftops and Invitations-Dashboard confessional
2. I'm actual- the format
3. Whatever I Feel Like- Napoleon Dynamite
4. This Ride-the Starting line
5. Dreaming a Reality- Senses Fail
6. When I Grow Up- Pussycat dolls
7. Five Minutes to Midnight-Boys like girls
8. Times like These-foo fighters
9. Looks Like they were Right-LIT
10. Yesterday's Feelings- The Used
so not too bad right?? the title of my blog Something I Call Personality is a song by New Found Glory. I thought there were some lines that were decent; and that is how I got the blog name!

Anyways, I hope that my posts can be as entertaining as my life is...